Workshop on “Regional Landslide Early Warning Systems: experiences, progresses, needs” (January 2020, Perugia, Italy)

LEWS2020 Workshop
“Regional Landslide Early Warning Systems: experiences, progresses, needs”
28-30 January 2020, Perugia (Italy) 

The workshop was held in Perugia (Italy) in January 2020, following a previous the meeting entitled “Regional early warning systems for rainfall- and snowmelt-induced landslides”, held in Oslo (Norway) in October 2016. The main aims of the Workshop have been: to collect experiences from worldwide invited experts involved in the design, the development, the operation or the analysis of LEWS; and to exchange knowledge, experiences, challenges and best practices.

Workshop Booklet


  • Research Institute of Geo-Hydrological Protection of the National Research Council, Italy [Fausto Guzzetti, Stefano Gariano]
  • British Geological Survey, UK [Helen J. Reeves, Katy Freeborough]
  • Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Norway [Graziella Devoli]
  • Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research [Manfred Stähli]
  • University of Salerno, Italy [Michele Calvello]

Group photo



Day 1

Invited presentations

  • Scopes, advantages and limitations of global LEWS – Dalia Kirschbaum
  • The Norwegian landslide forecasting and warning service – Monica Sund
  • Landslide early warning system in Switzerland: a project for future – Hugo Raetzo, Manfred Stähli
  • Scope and needs for a national landslide early warning system in Japan – Hiroaki Nakaya & Joko Kamiyama
  • National systems: an Italian experience – Mauro Rossi
  • Scopes, advantages and limitations of regional LEWS: the Emilia-Romagna and Valle d’Aosta experiences – Sara Pignone, Sara Ratto, Hervé Stevenin
  • Advanced LEWSs: the role of monitoring and modelling – Dennis Stanley
  • From landslide forecasts to landslide warnings – Joanne Robbins
  • Assessing warning models: issues and perspectives – Michele Calvello
  • Communicating weather-related warnings: issues and perspectives – Claudia Adamo
  • Stakeholder’s perspective – Tore Humstad
  • Geographical landslide early warning systems: a review – Fausto Guzzetti

Open discussion

Presentation of LEWS managed by CNR IRPI – Ivan Marchesini

Day 2

Parallel Roundtables
[Chairpersons: Michele Calvello, Graziella Devoli, Katy Freeborough, Fausto Guzzetti, Manfred Stähli]

  • Data
  • Landslide forecast models
  • Warning models
  • Scope, management structure, stakeholder involvement, and communication

Day 3

Summary from the four roundtables

  • Data
    [Rapporteurs: Maria Teresa Brunetti, Dalia Kirschbaum, Monica Sund]
  • Landslide forecast models
    [Rapporteurs: Mauro Rossi, Luca Piciullo]
  • Warning models
    [Rapporteurs: Gaetano Pecoraro, Joanne Robbins]
  • Scope, management structure, stakeholder involvement, and communication
    [Rapporteurs: Christian Arnhardt, Tore Humstad]

Final discussion

Tech4Dev 2018 Conference session: People-centered Early Warning Systems for Natural Hazards

Many recent international initiatives have been highlighting the importance of early warning systems (EWS) for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and community resilience. To be effective, EWSs for natural hazards need to have not only a sound scientific and technical basis, but also a strong focus on delivering to the people exposed to risk. The seventh global target of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) is to “substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to the people by 2030”. Current shortcomings in the conception and applications of EWS often undermine risk reduction at the local level. The session focused on people-centered warning systems for different natural hazards by presenting strengths, weaknesses and lessons learned from a series of case studies in different geographical, geo-environmental and cultural settings.


Michele Calvello (Leader)
University of Salerno, Italy

Anna Scolobig (co-Leader)
ETH-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland

Colin McQuistan (co-Leader)
Practical Action, United Kingdom

Maneesha V. Ramesh (co-Leader)
Amrita University, India

Presentations and poster

Community Based Early Warning System for Climate Change Induced Natural Risk Reduction in Himalaya
Prakash C. Tiwari
*, Bhagwati Joshi
*Kumaun University – India

Technological Evolution of Flood Early Warning System in Nepal
Gopal Prasad Ghimire*, Gehendra Bahadur Gurung, Dinanath Bhandari
*Practical Action – Nepal

Holistic Early Warning System and Community-based Climate Change Observatory – A Case Study from El Salvador
Grégoire Labhardt*, Anton Joehr
*Swiss Red Cross – Switzerland

A participatory process to develop a people-centred warning system in Gmunden, Upper Austria
Anna Scolobig*, Philipp Preuner, Monika Riegler, JoAnne Linnerooth Bayer, David Ottowitz, Stefan Hoyer, Birgit Jochum
*ETH Zurich – Switzerland

Web based access to hydrological risk data and model simulations in Denmark – how can participatory EWMS support new groundwater and nature based solutions?
Peter van der Keur*, Jacob B. Kidmose, Hans Jørgen Henriksen
*Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

A participatory approach to Disaster Risk Management
Antonella Frisiello*, Quynh Nhu Nguyen, Claudio Rossi
*Istituto Superiore Mario Beolla – Italy

Poster: Toward a Reporting Framework on Technology’s contribution to Social Justice: a case study on Transboundary Flood Early Warning Systems in Nepal, India and Bangladesh (Marc van den Homberg, Colin McQuistan, Practical Action – UK)

Final discussion

The session included a final open discussion on strengths, weaknesses and lessons learned in the development of people-centered warning systems.


Meet the experts at EGU 2018

Meet the experts is a series of short interviews with experts addressing topics related to landslide risk analysis and management.

This video shows the interview with Luca Piciullo, Stefano Luigi Gariano and Soren Boje, three of the four Conveners of EGU 2018 Session SSS9.1/NH3.16 Landslide early warning systems: monitoring systems, rainfall thresholds, warning models, performance evaluation and risk perception.

Interview recorded at the EGU 2018 General Assembly in Vienna on April 13, 2018



Landslide early warning systems: the performance quantification issue

The performance quantification issue is often overlooked, both by system managers and by researchers dealing with warning models for landslide early warning systems (LEWSs). For instance, the main focus of researchers dealing with warning systems for rainfall-induced landslides at regional scale, which are typically based on empirical rainfall thresholds (Guzzetti et al., 2007 and references therein), is on improving the correlation between rainfall indicators and landslides. However, literature studies rarely back analyze the relationship between warnings, which would have been issued adopting those correlations, and landslides. Especially for LEWSs operating at regional scale (ReLEWSs), empirical evaluations are often carried out by simply analyzing the time frames during which significant high-consequence landslides occurred in the test area (Keefer et al., 1987; Baum and Godt, 2010; Capparelli and Tiranti, 2010; Aleotti, 2004). Alternatively, the performance evaluation is based on 2 by 2 contingency tables computed for the joint frequency distribution of landslides and alerts, both considered as dichotomous variables (Yu et al., 2003; Cheung et al., 2006; Godt et al., 2006; Restrepo et al., 2008; Tiranti and Rabuffetti, 2010; Kirschbaum et al., 2012; Martelloni et al., 2012; Peres and Cancelliere, 2012; Staley et al., 2013; Lagomarsino et al., 2013, 2015; Greco et al., 2013; Segoni et al., 2014; Gariano et al., 2015; Stähli et al., 2015). The four elements of these tables – i.e., correct alerts (CAs) or true positives; missed alerts, false negatives or type II errors; false alerts, false positives or type I errors; true negatives (TNs) – are then used to assess the weight of the correct predictions in relation to the model errors by means of a series of statistical indicators of the model performance. In all these cases, however, model performance is assessed, neglecting some important aspects that are peculiar to ReLEWSs, such as the possible occurrence of multiple landslides in the warning zone, the duration of the warnings in relation to the time of occurrence of the landslides, the level of the issued warning in relation to the landslide spatial density in the warning zone and the relative importance system managers attribute to different types of errors.

Excerpt from
Calvello M, Piciullo L (2016).
Assessing the performance of regional landslide early warning models: the EDuMaP method. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 16:103–122.


Aleotti P (2004). A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures, Eng. Geol., 73, 247–265.

Baum RL, Godt JW (2010). Early warning of rainfall-induced shallow landslides and debris flows in the USA, Landslides, 7, 259–272.

Capparelli G, Tiranti D (2010). Application of the MoniFLaIR early warning system for rainfall induced landslides in Piedmont region (Italy), Landslides, 7, 401–410.

Cheung PY, Wong MC, Yeung HY (2006). Application of rainstorm nowcast to real-time warning of landslide hazards in Hong Kong, in: WMO PWS, Workshop on Warnings of Real-Time Hazards by Using Nowcasting Technology, 9–13 October 2006, Sydney, Australia.

Gariano SL, Brunetti MT, Iovine G, Melillo M, Peruccacci S, Terranova O, Vennari C, Guzzetti F (2015). Calibration and validation of rainfall thresholds for shallow landslide forecasting in Sicily, southern Italy, Geomorphology, 228, 653–665.

Godt JW, Baum RL, Chleborad AF (2006). Rainfall characteristics for shallow landsliding in Seattle,Washington, USA, Earth Surf. Proc. Land., 31, 97–110.

Greco R, Giorgio M, Capparelli G, Versace P (2013). Early warning of rainfall-induced landslides based on empirical mobility function predictor, Eng. Geol., 153, 68–79.

Guzzetti F, Peruccacci S, Rossi M, Stark CP (2007). Rainfall thresholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe, Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 98, 239–67.

Keefer DK, Wilson RC, Mark RK, Brabb EE, Brown III WM, Ellen SD, Harp EL, Wieczoreck GF, Alger CS, Zatkin RS (1987). Real-time landslide warning during heavy rainfall, Science, 238, 921–926.

Kirschbaum DB, Adler R, Hong Y, Kumar S, Peters-Lidard C, Lerner-Lam A (2012). Advances in landslide nowcasting: evaluation of a global and regional modeling approach, Environ. Earth Sci., 66, 1683–1696.

Lagomarsino D, Segoni S, Fanti R, Catani F (2013). Updating and tuning a regional-scale landslide early warning system, Landslides, 10, 91–97.

Lagomarsino D, Segoni S, Rosi A, Rossi G, Battistini A, Catani F, Casagli N (2015). Quantitative comparison between two different methodologies to define rainfall thresholds for landslide forecasting, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2413–2423.

Martelloni G, Segoni S, Fanti R, Catani F (2012). Rainfall thresholds for the forecasting of landslide occurrence at regional scale, Landslides, 9, 485–495.

Peres DJ, Cancelliere A (2012). Development of rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning in Sicily: a method based on the use of rainfall annual maxima series, Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 21, 580–582.

Restrepo P, Jorgensen DP, Cannon SH, Costa J, Laber J, Major J, Martner B, Purpura J, Werner K (2008). Joint NOAA/NWS/USGS prototype debris flow warning system for recently burned areas in southern California, B. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 89, 1845.

Segoni S, Rossi G, Rosi A, Catani F (2014). Landslides triggered by rainfall: a semiautomated procedure to define consistent intensity-duration thresholds, Comput. Geosci., 3063, 123–131.

Stähli M, Sättele M, Huggel C, McArdell BW, Lehmann P, Van Herwijnen A, Berne A, Schleiss M, Ferrari A, Kos A, Or D, Springman SM (2015). Monitoring and prediction in early warning systems for rapid mass movements, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 905–917.

Staley DM, Kean JW, Cannon SH, Schmidt KM, Laber JL (2013). Objective definition of rainfall intensity–duration thresholds for the initiation of post-fire debris flows in southern California, Landslides, 10, 547–562.

Tiranti D, Rabuffetti D (2010). Estimation of rainfall thresholds triggering shallow landslides for an operational warning system implementation, Landslides, 7, 471–481.

Yu YF, Lam JS, Siu CK (2003). Interim Report on Review of Landslip Warning Criteria, Special Projects Division, Special Project Report 4/2003, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, SAR Government, Hong Kong, 20 pp.